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The pivot to virtual selling will change the sales function profoundly and permanently; far more deeply than most companies yet realize.

As virtual selling becomes the new normal, most companies are walking into a trap. They are thinking that all they need to do to be successful is to make sure that their salespeople master the basics of the virtual platform (muting/unmuting, sharing your screen, etc.). But this response completely fails to appreciate the far deeper impact that the ‘pivot to virtual’ is going to have on all aspects of the sales function. Thanks to Covid, the entire landscape of selling is fundamentally changing.

Companies that recognize this and respond accordingly will be well-positioned for a new era of success. Conversely, those that don’t understand and respond to these changes face the prospect of sending their sales force into battle ill-equipped and with outdated approaches.

To help yourself adapt, please join Oratium as we explore the seven dramatic changes triggered by the move to virtual selling.

Oratium has developed a detailed response to this new selling environment, centered around what you must do to adapt your sales model, your approach to the sales meeting, and the sales message itself in the new virtual selling medium. If you want to thrive, and not just survive the new world of virtual selling, please contact us.

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Part One of Three

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