
A Delightful Moment

A dear friend, Michael, just wrote me. He was covering a few topics, but in his email he also forwarded as an attachment a very touching announcement he had received on the passing of a beloved, elderly family member, Harry.

He told me to open it and look at the departed’s final request, which he thought was ‘Very Oratium’.

I was intrigued – it was this:

In lieu of flowers, Harry’s request is that each of you

Do something nice for a friend.”

I loved that, (and I am setting out to do it). And, I’m pleased to agree, it was “Very Oratium”.

The best communication is simple, elegant, thought provoking…and my favorites: uplifting and surprising.

The brain loves surprise…surprise lights up the right brain. We’ve all read too many obituary announcements. But this one stands out as memorable and fun for having surprised us.

Thanks, Michael – I didn’t know Harry, but he sounds like quite a guy.

And if you liked this post…in honor of Harry, “Do something nice for a friend.”

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